BELARUS 80X Specialized Tractor Price & Specifications 2024

BELARUS 80X Specialized Tractor Price, Specs, Review, Features, Overview

Hello, People!! Are you searching for the BELARUS 80X Specialized Tractor Price, Specs? And do you want to know about the BELARUS 80X Tractor information like Price List, Technical specifications, Key Features, Images and more? If yes, then don’t worry my friends, Here in this article, I am going to introduce all kinds of information which you need to know about it.

BELARUS 80X Specialized Tractor Price

BELARUS 80X Specialized Tractor Information

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BELARUS 80X Specialized Tractor Key Features

  • Capacity: 81(81,6) h.p./ 59,6(60) кВт
  • Number of gears FWD/BWD: 16/4
  • Axle arrangement: 3К2
  • Selective gear: Mechanical, with the lowering reducer doubling number of transfers
  • Brand mark: D-243/D-243C
  • Load-carrying capacity: 2800 kg
  • Maximum weight: 6500 kg

BELARUS 80X Tractor Specifications

Type the 4th cylinder, without turbo-supercharging
Capacity, h.p./kW 81(81,6)/59,6(60)
Brand mark D-243/D-243C
Ecological standard Stage 0/Stage I
Fuel use, g/(kW·h) 229/244
Torque capacity, Н·m2 298
Transmission system
Selective gear mechanical, with the lowering reducer doubling number of transfers
Flywheel clutch frictional one-disk constant the closed type with a mechanical control
Number of gears FWD/BWD 16/4
Back PTO shaft, min-1 540/1000
Load-carrying capacity of back suspension gear on suspension axis, kg, minimum 2800
Full scale pressure, MPa 20-2
Pump displacement at nominal speed of diesel crankshaft, l/min, minimum 55
Hydraulics reservoir capacity, l 25,5 ± 0,5
Type wheeled
Axle arrangement 3К2
front 7.50-20; 9.00-20;9.00R20
back 11.2R42;18.4L30;18.4R30; 15.5R38
Other specifications
Brakes/trailer brakes dry disk with the mechanical drive / pneumatic, single-wire, blocked with management of tractor brakes
Maximum weight, kg 6500
Climatic modification У1/Т1
Minimum and maximum speed FWD/BWD, km/h Min 1,94/4,09 
Max 18,4/9.22

BELARUS 80X Specialized Tractor Review

Its BELARUS 80X Specialized Tractor is a multi-functional and powerful tractor suitable for a range of industrial and agricultural uses. It’s powered by a four-cylinder engine that has 81 horsepower and an eight-speed gearbox that has the ability to lower reducer. It is BELARUS 80X also features a robust hydraulic system that is able to lift up to 2800kg.

For a full review, please check this YouTube video Here.

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