Editorial Policy


Based on the information we are aware of, we continually work to give our readers accurate information so they are well-equipped to establish their own opinions. When inaccuracies in our content have been pointed out to us, we make an effort to address them in a fair and reasonable manner.


We are committed to upholding transparency throughout all business operations, and as such, we have made our advertising policy and details of some potential joint ventures with third parties public.


We put a lot of effort into making this portal a reliable source for our readers. To increase our credibility, we have taken a number of steps, including establishing rules and guidelines for content suppliers.

Inclusivity & Diversity

Diversity and inclusiveness, in our opinion, are essential. In both our publishing and hiring procedures, we value diversity and work hard to be inclusive. We take steps to provide information for pet owners with various needs because we are aware that our readers are a diverse cross-section of society.

We take pride in being an equal opportunity employer and do not exclude anyone from employment based on their race, colour, religion, sex (including pregnancy and gender identity), national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, genetic information, age, membership in an employee organisation, retaliation, parental status, military service, or any other non-merit factor.


We value our readers a lot. Without devoted readers like you, we couldn’t continue to offer helpful information and guides. We put a lot of effort into building a place where readers may make decisions with confidence and authority.

We urge our readers to provide us feedback on both our current material as well as content they would want to see in the future because of this. In an effort to further the interests of our community, we are always open to constructive criticism and appreciate all comments, both favourable and negative.


Our intention is to give readers access to the most recent research and data available at the time of publication. We make our research procedures and our connections with outside vendors public. We provide links to each of our sources in the interest of transparency. We make a special effort to cite authoritative, up-to-date, and trusted sources including reputable associations and organisations, veterinary practises, scientific journals, and other trustworthy entities.

Our contributors work hard to strike a balance between factual information and their expert viewpoints. We demand that it be made explicit when an opinion rather than a fact has been given.

By avoiding generalisations and making it clear when the research is unclear or if additional factors need to be taken into account, we strive to appropriately portray each study when reporting on research.

Quality Guidelines

Our content represents our dedication to our own values and ideals, which support  advocacy across the globe. Articles are fact-checked by our team of independent editors so that readers will find them useful.

We examine and update our content frequently. Articles that don’t adhere to our standards are either not published, have their accuracy checked, or are taken off from our website. We take great pleasure in rapidly addressing problems and giving additional clarity.

Of course, it isn’t always possible to spot mistakes or react to new findings in the field of research. Because of this, we always urge our viewers to inform us when something is incorrect. By contacting us by mail or email, our readers are invited to offer us any feedback or point out any mistakes.


In addition to their subject-matter expertise, I have picked our contributors for their journalistic abilities and moral character. We have made efforts to assemble a team that includes professional authors with in-depth knowledge of the subject since we think it’s crucial to represent a varied range of viewpoints.

We’ve made it simpler to access information about our authors on our About Page and in each post to better inform our visitors about who is responsible for putting our content together. The author’s name and profile photo are displayed at the top of every one of our articles. Each author’s full author bio, which can be found by clicking their name to go to their own author page, contains more details about them.

We hold all of our contributors to a high level and work hard to ensure that they adhere to both our own set of principles and standards of ethics as well as the Code of Ethics.


We make no warranties about the content of this site and will not be liable for any loss, damage, or injury resulting from the use of any information on it, despite the fact that the information in the articles and elsewhere on this site has been thoroughly researched and examined for accuracy and reliability.