BELARUS-82.1 Tractor Specification, Price & Features 2024

BELARUS-82.1 Tractor Specification, Price & Features

Hello, Friends!! Are you thinking to buy BELARUS-82.1 Tractor? And do you want to know about That On-road price, Technical full Specifications, Key Features, Review and more? if yes, then don’t worry my friends, cause here in this article of mine, I will be telling you everything, which you need to know about the BELARUS-82.1 Tractor and I hope it will useful to you my friends. Ok, so let’s start it.

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BELARUS 82.1 Tractor Price

BELARUS-82.1 Tractor Specification Price & Additional Options

Price: 15,356 £ ex-VAT

BELARUS 82.1 Tractor Key Features

  • Capacity, h.p./kW: 81/59,6
  • Number of gears FWD/BWD: 18/4
  • Axle arrangement: 4К2
  • Brand mark: D-243
  • Maximum weight: 6500 kg

BELARUS 82.1 Tractor Additional options 

  • Balance weights of back wheels;
  • Rear hitch draft control;
  • Combined drawbar hitch (floating drawbar, drawbar and hydraulic hook);
  • Spacer plates for back wheels doubling.
  • Front balance weights;
  • Reducing gear;

BELARUS 82.1 Tractor Specifications

Capacity, h.p./kW 81/59,6
Brand mark D-243
Ecological standard Stage 0/Stage I
Fuel use, g/(kW·h) 229+3
Torque capacity, Н·m2 298
Transmission system
Selective gear manual with reduction gearbox
Flywheel clutch friction-disk constantly closed type with mechanical control
Number of gears FWD/BWD 18/4
Back PTO shaft, min-1 540/1000
Load-carrying capacity of back suspension gear on suspension axis, kg, minimum 3200
Full scale pressure, MPa 20-2
Pump displacement at nominal speed of diesel crankshaft, l/min, minimum 45
Hydraulics reservoir capacity, l 25,5 ± 0,5
Type wheeled
Axle arrangement 4К4
front 11,2-20
back 15,5R38
Other specifications
Maximum weight, kg 6500
Climatic modification У1/Т1
Minimum and maximum speed FWD/BWD, km/h Min 1,94/4,09; 
Max 34,3/9,22
Reverse gear mechanical

BELARUS 82.1 Tractor Review

The Belarus 82.1 is a four-wheel drive tractor that is manufactured by Minsk Tractor Works in Belarus. It is a highly popular tractor due to its affordability, reliability, and flexibility in cost. The diesel engine of this model contains four cylinders that generate 81 hp. It comes with a manual transmission equipped with nine speeds and a transfer case that has two speeds. The tractor can travel at a maximum speed of 30 km/h. For a full review, please check this YouTube video Here.

So this was all about the BELARUS-82.1 Tractor. I hope you like this article and enjoyed reading it, but if you have any questions regarding this article, then please comment for us, and we will solve your problem as soon as possible. You can explore many more things I have many articles on our website do read them. And thanks for reading and sharing this article with your friends and on social media. Stay tuned with me for more stuff like this my friends.

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